MBT shoes at your certified stockist in Cologne

As a certified dealer, we offer you the largest selection of MBT shoes in Germany in our store in Cologne. Martin Wylenzek, a orthopaedic technician specialist, not only offers functional shoes that improve coordination, they also have a positive effect on the muscles and thus on the entire body. They can therefore also be used and understood as training equipment. Let us advise you in our MBT store in Cologne, Lungengasse 22 A, and find your perfect MBT shoe!

Why should you get professional advice?

The Masai barefoot technology provides relief for your joints and can alleviate your back pain. During the consultation you will quickly realise that not every model is suitable for every activity, which is why the question of what you want to wear your MBT shoes for is quite important. The more we understand what your walking/standing and running patterns are like in everyday life, the better we can recommend the most suitable MBT shoe for you. MBT technology is also ideal as a work shoe if you are on your feet all day for work and only sit a little. It is important to note that you will regularly shift your body's centre of gravity depending on your daily activities, which also requires a little practice. Once you get used to wearing your MBTs, you will very quickly notice that you not only build up muscles, but your body is also less stressed overall.

The MBT Index is designed for three different levels:
  • Activate
  • Dynamic
  • Performance
MBTs marked with Activate have only a slight rounding of the sole and a resulting low balancing area. Models marked Dynamic have a moderate rounding, while the balancing area is marked Medium. The Performance Index offers a strong rounding with a strong balancing area. As you can see, deciding on the right health shoe really depends on your activity level. We will be happy to advise you at our premises and show you the right way to use your new MBT shoe!